February 10, 2025 11:42 am





February 10, 2025 11:42 am

Purba Bardhaman,Kolkata,India


Smart Starter


Additional Information

DOL Starter is the most basic and simplest type of motor starter. DOL, also expanded to Direct-On-Line Starter, is the common way to start induction motors since they draw large amounts of current while starting. As a result, they require safeguards against high electricity inflow, voltage fluctuations, and sudden faults that may damage the motor windings. When the current supply is fired up, various components of the DOL starter take care of the smooth flow of current,detecting any anomalies in the electricity and breaking the circuits in case of any faults before it reaches the motor.
Due to its sensitive assembly, the DOL is the most reliable, easy-to-install, and time tested electrical tool that can be used in many motor control applications. It finds numerous applications in various industries, including agriculture and manufacturing.
Direct-on-Line (DOL) Starter are highly reliable & time tested starter & suitable for wide range of agriculture & industrial applications. It offers complete motor protection against overload, single phasing, phase reversal & severe unbalanced voltages conditions, all in accordance with latest IS/IEC 60947-4-1 specifications.